Wednesday 13 August 2008

What I Did on My Holidays

These last seven weeks have been so creative for me, and I’ll be sorry to see them come to an end. This coming year will test just how much I have worked on in these last couple of months, applying the I’ve lessons learned to all the practical challenges ahead. Although Karen and I have had the chance for jaunts and excursions to Dumfries, Ayr, Troon, the Campsies, Kilsyth and Edinburgh, our holiday has been- well not so much a vacation as- a ‘stay-cation’. But it has meant I’ve had oodles of time to read - about 30 and a half books in all (the half being A Course in Miracles)- mostly spiritual biographies, psychology and philosophy- but also a good bit of poetry, even a little drama too (But only for fun!). I’ve been writing, de-cluttering the house, ‘doing Shakespeare’ for the Bard in the Botanics folk at the Glasgow Fair weekend, growing vegetables, Quakering and catching up with friends I’ve not seen in years (Davey and Grace, Georgette and Nat, Steve, Stuart, John and Mia). And making new friends!- something that had become quite thorny for me this past year or so. Nicola Maharg and Martha Hatch; Eric and Danielle from the Bothy; mad Gino, John Creed, the wonderful Margaret, and naughty David.
Karen has been busy too what with her dialect coaching for the BBC, and auditioning for acting jobs. I’m so excited that she seems to have worked out what she wants to do with her future now too. I will be ‘manifesting’ away for her over the next few months as she strives to make her dreams come true.
I’ve had my Tarot read (twice!), I’ve begun Alexander and Reiki treatment, and started some heart-voice work too.
I’m also proud to report I’ve now got the ball rolling with directing my next 2 directorial projects- Ann Marie Di Mambro’s nostalgic romcom, Tally’s Blood at the Ramshorn, and Lorca’s House of Bernarda Alba for Giffnock Theatre

But I remain proudest of the massive amount of inner work I’ve done. I believe this will prove to be my most worthwhile and lasting achievement of this summer. This time has helped me to consolidate and disentangle my sense of direction and purpose; to refine my understanding of it from a spiritual as well as artistic perspective. This has been due to the fact that I have adapted my meditation process by fusing it with the Focusing practice. This has helped me tremendously to forge stronger links with my Inner Light as a Quaker- and I know these will have a real and noticeable impact on how I tackle the challenges of the next 12 months. I want to start applying some of this inner direction outwardly in the community now. I have come to realise that bringing others to know, trust and connect with the Spirit of the Divine within themselves is the imperative that draws together and unifies all the strands of my life.
I continue to wrestle with my impatience and my passive-aggressive tendencies. However I have hopefully become a little bit more trusting of myself and others. I have really needed this time to ask deep questions of myself and to centre on what greater purpose I might be serving through my work as a teacher, director and actor. But progress has been rapid and very far-reaching. I feel different: lighter, truly positive, more joyful, inspired and loving. Hope it lasts!!!

1 comment:

Seralu said...

Woohoo! Onward and Upwards!