Saturday 14 February 2009

Audition Speech 2

Stomil in Tango with Paul Gruber and Linda Mimnagh (2008)

Ernest in Time and the Conways with Graham Vernall and ?? (Arches,1999)

Unfortunately I am unable to upload the 'Teddy' video onto my blog as the file is too large, :-)

which is disappointing. So here are some more pictures from the old ham's scrapbook.

However, once I can up the pace of my delivery a bit, and trim the speech down to the length it should be- i.e. under 2 and a half minutes- then I will try filming it again!

Today's Actors' Bothy didn't happen as we got caught up in a meet 'n' greet thing with the Write Camera Action/ Screen Academy people in the CCA bar- which at least allowed me the opportunity to network with some up and coming producers and directors. Hopefully it may lead to some things, who knows. At least I got to see some old friends- John and Karl and Francois-whom I see little of these days. It also meant I managed to get away earlier than usual to spend some quality time with my beloved wifelet on Valentine's Day.

I have been contacted by a young director who has asked if I am available to do a short film on Tuesday, playing a businessman/ mountaineer/ dreamer in a coffee shop. I said yes (School's on half-term right now!), but haven't heard back from him yet . If I do it then it'll be straight from the Merchant City where it is to be filmed during the day, onto Giffnock where I am due to begin rehearsals for The House of Bernarda Alba in the evening. I also heard this week I have been accepted to do a workshop at the RSAMD with celebrated voice teacher Nadine George in April on Ancient Greek Text. All this, and a drama school audition pending too...

Life is starting to pick up again...


1 comment:

Seralu said...

Hope the film comes through and that you had a nice Valentines Day! Hurrah for half-term! X